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Showing posts from January, 2020

Please don't ask...

Through this...I hate the word journey, because that feels like a road you I suppose, through this phase of life we'll say, there has been countless blessings. Countless people truly concerned about how I'm doing, how my family is doing, and going above and beyond to show they care. So what I say today isn't meant as a dig against anyone specific, it's more of a learning tool in general. When I say "you" I don't necessarily mean you specifically, it's meant as a general blanket word. But I started this blog, not only to help myself get through this, but to hopefully reach others, in whatever way God wanted to put on their heart. Whatever connection to their story he wanted to show them, whatever thing He wanted to teach them so maybe as they deal with others in their life who have cancer - they might change their approach a little. I was talking to my husband the other day about something that's been heavy on my heart, just, botheri...