I went too long without writing. Or talking? Or praying? I went too long without something, and now there's too much noise in my head, too many thoughts rolling around. Like when you walk into a crowded bar, there's music blaring, all sorts of people talking over each other, you hear everything they're saying yet can't decipher anything they're saying because it's all too damn loud. So you just kind of stand there, having no clue what's being said but nodding along like you're in total agreement with whatever the hell it is they're saying. That's my brain on too many thoughts. Throughout this whole process everyone, including survivors, tells you that you find a new normal. During chemo, you find a rhythm, you find a normal. After surgery, you find a normal. During radiation, you find a normal. After all of it, you find a normal. To that, I'm going to have to call BS. Post cancer normal really isn't a thing. Normal during any phase of ca...